Generally, first impressions are always right.
Age doesn't equal maturity.
There are people who think like you.
People are complex.
호의가 계속되면 권리인줄 안다 (Give him an inch, and he will take a mile).
나이가 들면 그 사람이 어떻게 살아왔는지 얼굴에 보인다 (When you get older you can tell someone’s personality by their face).
You can tell someone by their Instagram.
Death is inevitable and someone can be gone unexpectedly.
Guys need to chase.
“We accept the love we think we deserve” - John Green
Trying hard looks desperate.
If friendships are based on loyalty, relationships are based on insecurity.
Don't sign contracts without reading the conditions.
“If it's meant to happen, it will. If not, then something better is bound to come along!”
There are always better and wider opportunities
있을때 잘하자 (Do your best at that moment).
가까이 있는 사람부터 챙기자 (The people closest to you always come first).
Takes things slow.
There is no harm in trying.
난 100명 중에 한명 있을 만한 사람이다.
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