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CCL - health 건강: ❤️ circulatory 혈액

circulatory 혈액 (순환)

cardiologist 심장전문의

haematologist 혈액전문의

anaemia 빈혈

angina 협심증

blood cell 혈세포

심근경색 (심장 근육) heart attack

심장마비 cardiac arrest

leukaemia 백혈병

blood transfusion 수혈

hypertension (high blood pressure) 고혈압

hypotension (low blood pressure) 저혈압

endocrinologist 내분비계전문의 (당뇨, 갑상선)

endocrine system chemical messenger system - these glands produce different types of hormones - reach these targets using the blood stream system 계통


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