paediatrician 소아전문의 hereditary disorder 유전 질환 family (medical) history 가족력 middle ear infection 중이염 nappy rash 기저귀 발진 vaccinate 예방 주사(를 맞다) immunisation 면역, 예방 접종 eradicated 퇴치하다 diphtheria 디프테리아 (fever and difficulty in breathing and swallow) tetanus 파상풍 (bacteria > wound = stiff muscles) whooping cough 백일해 (convulsive cough) small pox 천연두 (mild fever and rash) chickenpox 수두 mumps 유행성 이하선염 (mild fever, painful swelling of glands in neck) polio 소아 마비 (central nervous system; leg paralysis) rubella (german measles) 풍진 (cough, sore throat, red spots) measles 홍역 (high temperature, red spots) roseola 홍진 (last 5 days, 2 days rash) scarlet fever 성홍일 (painful throat, high temperature, red spots)