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Quotes: Motivational

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

  1. Read each morning about your field (golden hours)

  2. Do a list of “what to do today”

  3. Prioritise the tasks on the list

  4. Work on the most important task single-mindedly, then task number 2.

  5. Listen to educational audio programs in your car

  6. What did I do right? What can I do differently next time?

  7. Treat everyone you meet as VIP (like a million dollar customer). Also your family.

Jack Ma

  • Before 20 years old be a good student

  • Before 30 years old follow somebody. Go to a small company… Normally a big company it’s good to learn professionally you’re a part of a big machine, but when you go to a small company you learn the passion, you learn the dreams. You learn how to do a lot of things at one time. So before 30 years old it’s not which company you go to but which boss you follow.

  • When you’re 40 to 50 years old, you have to do all the things you’re good at. Don’t try to go into the new area, it’s too late.

  • When you’re 50 to 60 years old, work for the young people. Because young people can do better than you.

  • When you ate over 60 years old, spend time for yourself.

행복과 성공에 대한 나의 기준을 만들어라

Set your own standard for happiness and success.

남을 행복하게 해주는 것은 나 자신을 행복하게 만드는 방법이기도 하다.

Making someone happy is a way to make myself happy.

개인적인 능력만으로 충분파지 않다. ...자신도 모르는 사이에 편견에 사로잡힌 직관적인 평가에 희생되어 피해자가 되는 경우는 얼마든지 있으므로

Personal effort is not enough... There always are victims of biased judgement while they are unaware.

세상에 좋은 아이디어는 많다. 하지만 당장 실천할 수 있는 비범한 사람을 얼마 안된다.

There are many good ideas in the world, but not that may extraordinary people who action them.



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